| Welcome Message | Program | Committee | Registration | Venue | Accommodation |
Welcome Message
The Malaysian Society of Radiographers would like to cordially invite all radiographers to the 1st MSR SCIENTIFIC MEETING of 2017 and also the 47th AGM. The scientific meeting will focus on Musculoskeletal Imaging covering aspects of diagnostic as well radiation therapy. The event is open to all radiographers/radiation therapists, student radiographers, radiologist, medical physicist and other medical personnel who are keen to explore knowledge in the musculoskeletal imaging field. We hope the program outlined will benefit all quarters.
All radiographers whether from the private or government hospitals/clinics are encouraged to become members of the society. And being a MSR member, you have a FREE PASS to attend the 47th AGM. Come share your thoughts and opinions to shape the direction of MSR OF TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW. Since this is also election year, you can play your part in choosing your candidate for the next term (2017-2019). Exercise your rights, to nominate / vote who the next MSR committee should be …..Who will it be ??
This event will be held at the Grand Season Hotel, Kuala Lumpur from the 1st to the 2nd of April 2017. We choose Kuala Lumpur as our course venue because it is the national capital of Malaysia. In addition, is has been rated as an alpha world city, the cultural, financial and economic centre of Malaysia due to its position as the capital as well as being a key city. We hope while you benefit from the meeting.