
| Welcome Message | Program | Committee | Registration | Venue | Accommodation |

Tentative Program

12 November 2016 (Saturday)
Time Program
8.00am Registration
8.30am Basic Paediatric Consideration in Imaging and Radiotherapy
Speaker: TBA
9.15am Dose Consideration in Paediatric CT Scan
Speaker: TBA
10.00am Tea
10.30am Paediatric Radiotheraphy Procedures II:
Total Body Irradiation – HKL experience
Speaker: Mohd Nazlie b Mhd Jaini
11.15am Paediatric Radiotherapy Procedures II:
Challenges in Paediatric Radiotherapy
Speaker: Mohd Hafiz Nazif b Mohd Fahmi
12.00noon NAI and Skeletal Survey
Speaker: Chan Lai Kuan
12.45 pm Lunch Break
2.00pm Paediatric Chest and Abdomen X-Ray
Speaker: Chan Lai Kuan/ Khadijah Ramli
2.30pm Radiographer’s Role in Paediatric Radiation Therapy & oncology
Speaker: TBA
3.00 pm Radiographer’s Role in Paediatric Imaging
Speaker: TBA
3.30 pm Tea
4.00 pm TOMOTHERAPY: The NCI Experience
Speaker: Mohd Syiful Iswannizam B. Mohd. Isa
4.30 pm Advanced Paediatric Radiology Technique
Speaker: Mr. Sarvavicknesh A/L Selvarajah
5.15pm Closing Remarks