| Welcome Message | Program | Committee | Registration | Resources |
| Venue | Accommodation |
Welcome message
Dear Colleagues and friends,
All radiographers are invited to the Malaysian Society Of Radiographers Scientific Meeting & 49TH Annual General Meeting. The theme for this event is “Current Practice in Interventional Radiology and Radiotherapy“. The event will be held at Premiera Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 13th to 14th April 2019.
The field of medical imaging and radiation therapy are rapidly developing with tremendous advancement in technology, procedures and patient management. It is the professional responsibilities of the radiographers to continuously enhance their knowledge and skills to keep abreast with these changes and challenges, with the aim of improving the quality of service and care offered to patients.
The theme for this year’s scientific meeting is “ Current Practice in Interventional Radiology and Radiotherapy”. The aim of the program is to enable radiographers to gain knowledge on interventional radiology and radiotherapy treatments. The advanced modalities and procedures that pose more risk to patient, highly educated patients and public, more complicated society make-up and the use of social media in communication demand that the radiographers to be well informed and educated on new technology.
The organizing committees have managed to gather speakers from different agencies and disciplines to share their experience and knowledge on the theme. MSR encourages all radiographers to make full use of this opportunity to update themselves on this aspect which has rarely been taken into consideration.
We look forward to meeting you in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Muhammad Faizal Bin Abdullah
MSR President