
| Welcome Message | Program | Committee | Registration | Venue | Accommodation |

Geriatric imaging have made significant headway in radiology. This revolution in Geriatric Imaging has been accompanied by the adoption of Picture Archiving And Communication Systems (PACS).

Implementing a complete filmless department might require some gestation period, as it involve substantial financial investment followed with some changes in workflow among the medical community.

Digital Imaging is associated with a number of important clinical and economic benefits, which have driven the rapid adoption of this technology in recent years. In order for facilities to realize these benefits – and avoid a common pitfall in the transition to digital it is important to develop and have in place a smooth transformation plan of the Digital Imaging continuum.

In Malaysia, we are fortunate as the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) has a far sighted plan to phase off conventional system. Therefore it is timely to have a compact seminar solely on Digital Imaging for knowledge advancement for the people who is using and going to acquire this system into their practice. MSR hope that the members and others who is interested in Geriatric Imaging should make full use of this opportunity to meet up with the expert and acquire what is needed for your personal advancement.

Chan Lai Kuan
Malaysian Society of Radiographers